CFSP for Those Open for Work in the UK: Application Form
CFSP is the industry specific professional qualification for the UK foodservice industry. It is delivered by FEA, the Foodservice Equipment Association,

Due to the current level of redundancy in the hospitality industry, the FEA wishes to reach out to those who are currently unemployed and looking for work, to offer a chance to increase your knowledge of the foodservice industry as a whole.

Perhaps you are looking into a employment in a different part of the industry from where you last were or are looking to continue in the same area but want to use your free time to learn.  

The programme content and benefits are relevant to manufacturers, consultants, distributors and operators. Over 600 people are now accredited in the UK.

CFSP is an internationally recognised and promoted course that is delivered locally with content relevant to the national market.

To successfully achieve the CFSP designation and the benefits that accrue, candidates must also complete an evaluation of experience which covers industry experience and activity within the market. This accrues points for a silver, gold or platinum status and accreditees can develop their profile with CFSP throughout their career.

The course, which normally costs £950 + VAT, has limited numbers, so anyone interested is encouraged to apply soon. Up for grabs are 40 places – 20 for those who worked in the foodservice supply chain and 20 for people from the foodservice operator side. This special course will have exactly the same content, benefits and cachet as the standard CFSP course and will be led by Graham Veal MBA FCIM CFSP, founder and managing partner of GCA Management.  

Seminars take place from 13:00 to 17:00 on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th March and will be held via Zoom. The exam will be held on Wednesday 17th March, from 09:00 to 12:00 in the UK. The exam venue will be confirmed in the New Year.

Find out more details at 

Please complete the questions below in a detailed way to help us choose you!

Closing Date is 27th January 2021.

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Email *
Course Snapshot
FEA CFSP course snapshot.
Name: *
Employment History for the past 3 years: *
Outline your career in the Foodservice industry to date. *
Last Employer's Business Address: *
Last Line Manager's Name and Contact Details: *
Last Job Title: *
Your Mobile Phone: we may need to ring you for clarification on your answers. *
Tell us why you feel the CFSP programme will benefit you. (up to 500 words) *
What do you expect to gain from the CFSP programme? *
How do you think you will be able to use the knowledge that you gained? *
Terms and Conditions: You will be contacted when your application is approved.  Should you be selected, the study guide, CFSP Introduction to Foodservice, will be sent via WeTransfer as a PDF.  Your commitment covers the programme, study guide, evaluation of experience and regular updates and information in recognition of your status as a Certified Food Service Professional. Places cannot be cancelled or transferred to a colleague.   *
If selected I commit to studying as required, attending the virtual seminar (2 afternoons) and attending the written exam (3 hours) TBC. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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