Our goal is to have a positive season where student athletes, coaches, and parents can work together to create an environment that is productive and cohesive for everyone.  Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which follows the behavior code for Yinghua Academy.  Participation in extracurricular activities is only permissible if the student is academically eligible and if the student acts in a way which is in accordance with this behavior code.
Instructions: Please read over this sports contract with your child and discuss any areas that you or your child might have concerns or questions.  Form must be complete before your child can practice.

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Email *
Students First Name *
Students Last Name *
Students Grade *
Sport: you need to only sign this form once/year *
I will show respect to my coach and teammates at all times. I am there to learn and I will not talk when the coach is talking.
I will go to all practices and arrive on time. If I am late due to a teacher talking with me or a make-up test, I will arrive with a pass. If I am sick or cannot attend practice, my parents will contact the coach by email.
I will not be “Physical.” Examples: kicking a basketball or volleyball, throwing a ball at someone, tripping or attempting to trip, push, poke, wrestle, spit, fight…
I will not disrupt others. Examples: throwing grass, being silly, making funny noises, bringing toys or objects to practice…
I will stay in the gym: I will not goof around in the locker room, on the bleachers or other areas of the gym; I will not play with PE equipment or other equipment in the gym unless given permission by my coach.
Before I start my practice warm up I will help put away other equipment if needed.

*If I am not meeting the behavior expectations of practice
I will be given a warning and parents will be notified.
2nd time: I will have to sit and watch, write an apology, or sit in/near the Athletic Director’s office.
3rd Time:  I will be given a one-week suspension (this includes at least one game).
Repeated disruptions:  the Athletic Director will work with the Dean of Students to come up with a solution/consequence. This could result in expulsion from team.

I agree with the practice expectations. *
I will be respectful to my coach, teammates, opponents, referees and parents/fans.
I will display good sportsmanship at all times.
I will help clean up after the game.  Example: picking up trash, putting away chairs…
I will manage myself in the bleachers when watching my teammates.  This is before a game or after a game.  I must stay in the gymnasium area.
Each and every player will treat all teammates with acceptance, respect, and friendship.

*If I have not met the behavior expectations of the game
I will apologize to whoever has been impacted such as players, coaches, or referees.
I understand that I may have reduced playing time.
I understand that I may be suspended from practices or games.

I agree with the game expectations. *
PARENTS must PICK UP athletes on time from away games or arrange a ride with a teammate.
I will take care of all my own belongings and trash.
I will show respect to the host school.
I will be a fine representative of Yinghua Academy.

I agree with the away game expectations. *
No eating on the bus.  I can eat my snack near the entrance to the gym.
I will be quiet and stay seated on the bus.
I will be respectful, responsible and helpful.

*If I do not meet the bus expectations, I will not be allowed to ride the bus.  This can be a one time or season suspension.  Should this happen, I understand that my parents will be responsible to get me to the games.

I agree with bus expectations. *
I will do my best to be focused in class.
I will do my homework.
I will work hard to keep up with my work.

*If I do not meet the academic expectations, I understand that this may impact my practice or playing time.

I agree with the academic expectations. *
I will be a good role model in the classroom.  When appropriate or asked, I will be a leader in the classroom.
I will respect my teachers and other staff.
I will not distract or disrupt learning for classmates.

*If I do not meet the classroom behavior expectations, I understand that this may impact my practice or playing time.

I agree with the classroom behavior expectations. *
  1. ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL: no practice or game that day (there are some exceptions)
  2. SCHOOL SUSPENSION OR ISS: student cannot participate in that days practice or game.
  3. RULE OF 3 (3 times): Repetitive inappropriate behavior, skipping practice or other issues may result in a game(s) suspension.  
  4. DRUG, ALCOHOL,TOBACCO or VAPING & HARRASMENT: We will use the *MN State High School Eligibility Rules as a general guideline. Infraction consequences will be adapted for the middle schooler thought process. *MN State High School
BASKETBALL RULES (applies to basketball season only)
I will not shoot half court or full court shots unless given permission by my coach.
I will practice the warm-up drills even if the coach has not yet arrived.
I will not kick basketballs.

I will respect the coach, referee, players and opponents.
I will cheer and be a role model of good sportsmanship.
I will let the coaches coach.

I agree with the parent expectations. *
Parents: I have read and agree to help my child follow the Athletic Expectations. Please type in your name/signature below. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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