Control Industry Dinner 2021/2022
By filling out this form, you show interest in attending Control Industry Dinner 2021/2022. Based on the interest we will decide if there is enough interest for the plan to make it happen. You are not yet buying tickets.

The general idea is to organize a dinner, without any awards. Just industry peers enjoying some food together while catching up (you could call this networking). Whether this plan becomes reality depends on the interest from the industry. We found a location in Amsterdam and they gave us a rough estimate. Based on that we think that the price for a ticket would be somewhere between 75 to 90 euro (including food and drinks). Time-wise we have no concrete plans, sometime when it's again safe to do so.
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The number of tickets you'd be interested in *
Are you also interested in learning more about sponsoring the event? *
Anything else you want to share?
Thank you for showing your interest!
We will evaluate the feasibility of our Control Industry Dinner 2020 plans based on the input we receive.
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