Suggest A Resource AU
Do you have an idea for a resource that you believe could help spark more "aha" moments in the classroom? We love hearing from our Teach Starter community! 

We take careful consideration of each request and may reach out for additional information. To ensure we're able to meet your request more effectively try to answer the below questions with as much detail as possible.

You can read the resource suggestion guidelines here.
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What key topic, concept or skills does your suggestion focus on?
For example: Classroom Management, Multiplication, Sentence Structure, etc.
List the specific curriculum standards the suggested resource needs to align with. (if applicable) *
For example:

Identify how similar topics are presented in fictional and informational text types; use part-part-whole to visually represent multiplicative relationships and choose whether to use multiplication or division to solve; etc.
What are the expected learning outcomes or objectives for students engaging with this resource?
What specific problem or challenge does this resource aim to address?
What is the core learning area of your suggestion? *
Which primary school year level(s) is your suggested resource intended to support? *
Choose all that apply.
Please select the type of resource that aligns closely with your suggestion *
Choose all that apply.
Please provide any reference links to other resources or content which are similar to your request.
Your email address *
Your email address will not be shared or sold. It will be used to ensure we understand your request clearly and to communicate with you regarding the end result of your suggestion.
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