A Star-Spangled Invitation

from America 250 PA Chester County Commission (CC250)

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Each and all of us in Chester County and our nation have an exciting anniversary ahead, a chance to commemorate our historic achievements as we renew our commitment to our democratic ideals.

Throughout 2026, the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence is a precious opportunity to inspire the American spirit. It’s time to better understand our nation’s founding principles of Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness which are enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

The rich history of Chester County is the embodiment of the collective pursuit of those revolutionary ideals. Here, William Penn established a colony based on religious freedom and tolerance. Agricultural bounty and industrial innovation fueled our and the nation's growth. Chester County was the site of decisive military actions that led to ultimate victory. A deep-rooted commitment to equality for all supported strong anti-slavery and women’s rights movements.


CC250 aims to promote interactive, inclusive, compelling experiences to commemorate and celebrate America’s 250th anniversary throughout 2026. We seek Community Partners to help all people:

-encounter the many ways in which Chester County participated in and influenced our nation’s founding, and

-elevate everyone’s understanding of our continuing journey to build a more perfect union.

 CC250 urges all to draw upon Chester County’s unique array of Heritage Sites, combined with Community Events and compelling History and Civics Education initiatives, drawing from:

-our Natural Landscapes, Philadelphia Campaign Trail, Iron & Steel Trail and Pathway to Freedom to highlight The Power of Our Place

- our Socio-Cultural Landscapes, Evolving Values & Creative Expressions, to examine our continuing journey of This American Experiment, and Unfinished Revolutions by and for We the People.


Long after 2026, CC250 aims for a future in which:

-everyone will see their story included as an important part of American history and civic engagement, understanding the value of inclusive narratives about the past, present, and future

-history, heritage, preservation, cultural expression, and civic dialogue of all types and sizes will emerge stronger, better supported, and inclusively engaged with increasingly diverse communities, and

-distinctive cultural heritage projects which were accelerated by 250 commemorations will endure as lasting legacies.

 The work starts now by planning and activating residents, businesses, and community groups throughout Chester County. Please join us as we journey - together - to 2026.


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