Global Competence Course Registration
Welcome to our self-paced, skills-building course on Global Competence! In this course, you will explore Global Citizen, LLC's evidence-based Global Competence Framework and complete training modules that enhance your knowledge, attitudes, and skills so you can engage more effectively with people and institutions from different cultures and countries for a better world.

Payment is due at the time of registration. The course fee is: $199.00. When 3 or more people from the same company or institution register at once, there is a $20 per person discount. Please contact Global Citizen, LLC at: for more information or to request a scholarship if the fee is a barrier for you to take the course.

For more information about our Global Competence course and Global Citizen, LLC, please email us at: and visit:

Gracias - Thank you - Merci!

Katherine Turner, Founder and President, Global Citizen, LLC
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