The Meticulous Millennial
Order Form
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Name [First & Last] *
Mailing Address 
[If you're choosing local pickup, you can skip this step]
Phone Number
[In case we need to contact you about your order]
How would you like to be contacted? *
What are you wanting to purchase / have us make for you? Please be specific [ex. shirt size, color, sleeve length, etc.] and list any customizations you would like. Once reviewed, we will be in touch to discuss any further details. *
How would you like to be invoiced? *
Please agree that you understand the following terms: 

- Due to the nature of our products, personalized items cannot be returned. But please reach out if there's a problem with your order!

- Payment will be due before I make any custom order. Please understand that this protects me as a seller.
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