2024-25 Soccer Tryout Registration
Soccer tryouts are here! Please take a minute to register your player using this form. Tryout cost for U9-U19 tryouts is $15 and includes a 2-day camp-style training and a t-shirt. Upon completion of the registration, you will be directed to the payment page. Once you submit this form you will receive a link to where you can complete the payment for the tryout fee, please keep your receipt or bring $15 cash to the check-in tent with you on the first day of tryouts. The third tryout day will be reserved for players that receive call back. Thank you!
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Email *
Utah Glory Soccer Club - Boys and Girls ages 4-18
Players LAST NAME *
Players FIRST NAME *
Players Date of Birth (PLEASE ADJUST YEAR) *
Players GENDER *
Tryout Age Group *
How did you hear about Utah Glory Soccer Tryouts? *
If your child is a returning Glory player, who was their coach last year?
Parent/Legal Guardian FULL NAME *
Parent/Legal Guardian PHONE *
Select Tryout Session your player will most likely attend *
Parent or Guardian Consent:
I, as the listed parent/guardian of the player listed on this form, give permission for my child, a minor, to participate in the tryouts for the Utah Glory Soccer Club. I, on the behalf of myself and my player listed on this form, release and indemnify Utah Glory Soccer Club, its employees and other personnel against any claims, damages, or liabilities brought on as a result of the player’s participation in the Utah Glory Soccer Club tryouts. I also grant my authorization and consent for Utah Glory Soccer Club personnel to administer general first aid treatment for any minor injuries or illnesses experienced by the minor. If the injury or illness is life threatening or in need of emergency treatment, I authorize the personnel of Utah Glory Soccer Club to summon any and all professional emergency personnel to attend, transport, and treat the participant.
Acknowledgment *
Important Information:
U9-U12 Boys and Girls 
May 20-22 at Jordan Ridge Park. Check-in begins at 5:30pm then tryouts will be from 6-7:30pm Monday and Tuesday. If your child is called back, they will need to also attend the final round on Wednesday, May 22nd followed by a brief parent meeting. 

U13-U19 Boys and Girls 
May 28-30 at Jordan Ridge Park.  Check-in begins at 5:30pm then tryouts will be from 6-7:30pm Tuesday and Wednesday. If your child is called back, they will need to also attend the final round on Thursday, May 30th. The final round will be followed by a brief parent meeting. 

Where: Jordan Ridge Park 9500 South Royal Heights Drive, South Jordan, UT 84095
(alternative parking in the north lot 9450 S Vista Park Lane, South Jordan, UT 84095)

Time: 6:00 - 7:30pm Tryouts. Arrive early to check-in on the first day and pick up your tryout shirt.

More Info: Check-in at the tent on the first day of tryouts starting at 5:30pm. Tryout sessions will begin promptly at 6pm each day and conclude by 7:30pm. Please arrive on time and plan to attend the full length of the tryout session.  If your child is called back for the final round, they will need to also attend the third day of tryouts as well. There will be a brief parent meeting at the end of the final round. 

Glory Jrs FREE Camp: Boys and Girls Ages 4-7 will be held on May 23 and May 30 at Jordan Ridge Park.

Questions about tryouts for Utah Glory Soccer? Email us anytime: tryouts@utahglorysoccer.com  Thank you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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