Interrupting Trauma - Part 1

Thursday, May 16, 9:30-11:30am
$100 per person

Experiences of trauma are widespread and yet trauma literacy remains low. Social services and non-profits are shouting about trauma-informed approaches from the rooftops, yet survivors of violence regularly experience retraumatisation from the very systems designed to support them. This training will enable participants to develop a common language about trauma, and understand how to interrupt the effects of trauma. It is designed for people working with survivors of violence as lived experience experts and leaders, not as service recipients.

The training is provided by Dr. Minh Dang, MSW and Sharon Hawkins-Leyden LCSW. Between the two of them, they share close to 50 years of experience walking alongside survivors of violence. Drawing from 5 years of collaborative work at Survivor Alliance, they will share the foundations of trauma literacy that are integrated into the organization of Survivor Alliance as well as its programs.
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We will send you or someone from your organization a link to where you can pay for the training. If you are not the person who will pay for the training, please put their name and contact information below. 
The training will be hosted on Zoom. Please share if you have any access needs to fully participate in the training. 
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