EKU BCM/BSU Alumni Information
We are collecting information to help us stay in contact with our alumni and to help you (our alumni) get connected with us!
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Name (Please include your maiden name) *
What year(s) did you graduate from EKU? *
What was your degree(s) in?
Did you serve on leadership during your time at the BCM/BSU?
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If yes to the question above, in which capacity/on which team(s) did you serve?
Are you a member of a local church?
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If yes to the question above, in which church do you hold your membership?
If you are local to Richmond, would you consider discipling a student at the BCM?
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Phone Number
Mailing Address
Can we contact you about current happenings and alumni events at the BCM?
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If yes to the previous question, which way(s) would you prefer to be contacted?
We send out a monthly BCM/BSU alumni newsletter via EMAIL, would you like to subscribe?
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How would you like to get connected to the BCM/BSU (i.e. newsletter, reunions, Homecoming, etc)?
Would you consider supporting your BCM/BSU financially for advancing the Gospel on our campus and in our community?
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Is there any other information you would like to provide that could help us develop our alumni directory?
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