RESILIENCE WEEK North Carolina                      Live Twitter Townhall®                    
As part of RESILIENCE WEEK North Carolina, UNC-TV will offer an exclusive public television broadcast of the award-winning film RESILIENCE. This documentary chronicles the impact of toxic stress on children’s well-being and explores strategies used by educators, therapists, pediatricians, and communities to disrupt cycles of violence and trauma.

Viewers of the film and the general public are invited to join us after the broadcast on Tuesday, November 19th, from 9 pm – 10 pm EDT, for an interactive Twitter Townhall featuring experts in Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), early childhood trauma, juvenile justice and trauma-informed care. The goal of the Twitter Townhall is to provide audiences with an opportunity to reflect on the film, ask questions to experts and get connected to additional resources. Participants will post their comments and questions using #ResilienceWeek to receive real-time answers from Townhall experts.

Registration Deadline: Sunday, November 17, 5:00 p.m. EDT

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