Shoreland Baseball League 50th Anniversary Celebration Information and RSVP
The Shoreland League will celebrate its 50th anniversary and induct Two Rivers' Howie Timm into its Hall of Fame on Saturday, June 25 at Walsh Field in Two Rivers. If you are planning to attend, please respond to the questions below so that we can adequately plan for space, concessions, etc.

All fans and former players, managers, and league officials are invited! We will have a large tent for socializing and ceremonies in case of rain. There will be an exhibit of league history on display in the tent as well as gift baskets for raffle to help us cover costs and the Two Rivers Wrestling Club will have concessions for sale. No admission will be charged for this event.

Schedule of events:
11:00 - Park opens for alumni reunion
2:00 - Alumni softball game
3:30 - Hall of Fame Ceremony
5:00 - Shoreland Legends vs Rising Stars baseball game
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First Name *
Last Name *
Are you a former player/coach/GM in the league? *
If former player/coach/GM, what team or teams did you play for?
If former player/coach/GM, roughly what years did you play?
Including yourself, how many will be attending? *
Would you be interested in a booklet of league history? *
Would you like to participate in the alumni softball game? *
Do you have anything you would like to contribute to a display of Shoreland League history for the day (uniform, hat, trophy, etc.)? *
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