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Ethereum Cat Herders Community Feedback
To get a better feel for what the community would like to see from the Cat Herders, we're conducting a quick poll.
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How familiar are you with the Cat Herders?
I know *everything* about the Cat Herders
I follow what they do regularly
I've heard of them before today
WTF are the Cat Herders?
What in your opinion is preventing the Ethereum ecosystem from achieving its goals sooner?
Your answer
What would you like to see the Cat Herders do more of or start doing?
Your answer
What is the best thing the Cat Herders have done for the community?
Your answer
How long have you been part of the Ethereum community?
A few months or less
Less than a year
Over a year
Before the 2017 ICO Boom
Before theDAO
Would you be interested in contributing to the Cat Herders initiative?
Send me a copy of my responses.
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