Warwickshire Cycle Buddies - Volunteer Buddies
Warwickshire Cycle Buddies pairs people who want to gain confidence cycling with more confident riders living nearby or sharing similar routes.
We will match you with a buddy as soon as we can. We'll introduce you and give you some advice on being a Cycle Buddy.
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First name *
Surname *
Email address *
Telephone number *
In which town or village do you live? Knowing where you are based makes it easier for us to link you up with people living locally who need your help. *
Please let us know about any specific trips you make on a regular basis that you could offer to buddy up on. Are they local journeys or to a specific destination, for example commuting? If so, what is your destination? *
Any additional information you would like to provide (e.g. to let us know about any particular needs you may have, or to request that your buddy is the same sex as you), or questions you would like to ask the Cycle Buddies team (optional). Note: you can request a same-sex buddy, but we do not typically allow riders to specify a buddy of the opposite sex.
Declaration - I confirm that I am over the age of 18 and that I can ride a bike confidently and am familiar with the Highway Code. I understand that Warwickshire Cycle Buddies may hold my information for up to 12 months and may contact me at the addresses provided for the purpose of administering the Cycle Buddies scheme. *
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