Student Information
Please fill out the following information about your child
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Student Name *
Homeroom Teacher *
*is there another first name your student uses at school?
Is your child bringing a personal Chromebook or using one from Avon Local Schools? *
How will your student get home from school? *
Do you give permission for your child use hand sanitizer? If no, they will use soap and water only *
Does your student have any food allergies that require him or her to sit at a safe table, away from classmates eating in the classroom? *
PG Movie Permission *
Classes may earn movies as rewards for positive behavior. Our handbook states "G" movies will be shown. Please check below if you give permission for appropriate "PG" films to be shown as well.
Please provide names and ages of siblings
What are your student's interests outside of school?
Tell us your student's strengths and goals you have for 3rd grade. Any concerns or information you want us to know about your child?
Please include anything academic, social, emotional, developmental, anything you'd like us to know!
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