Prelude Toronto 2023 Dance Competition Performance Application Form
Is your team interested in competing or an exhibition performance? Fill out the application form below.

Submitting this form, this does NOT confirm that your team is placed in the show line-up. Once all applications are in, our Prelude staff will review all submitted applications and begin the selection process.

Although we would love to accept all teams that applied, some Prelude events can only accept a limited amount of teams due to time constraints. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Interested in Competing or an Exhibition performance *
Team Name *
Number of Members *
Location / City where your team is based *
Name of Director or Name of main person-of-contact *
Pronouns of Director or main person-of-contact
Phone# *
Video link of teams most recent or best performance (This will help us during the selection process)
Team Biography
Instagram handle (if any)
Link to Youtube Channel (if any)
Twitter handle (if any)
Link to Facebook page (if any)
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