Starting A Food Pantry Garden Webinar - Survey
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How did you hear about this webinar?
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Did you find this webinar helpful for the program you are creating or managing?
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What was the MOST helpful thing about this webinar?
What was the LEAST helpful thing about this webinar?
What topic(s) do you wish we would have spent more time discussing?
How can we enhance this type of presentation for future participants?
This could be in regards to content, format, presenters, technology, etc.
Is your food pantry or food bank currently registered on
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If your food pantry is NOT registered on will you...
(If you would like to register your pantry for free, visit
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Tell us some information about the garden program you are starting or managing for your food pantry
What other presentations might be helpful for you in the future?
How can help you and your food pantry in the future?
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