SVC Prayer Request Form
We try our best to share prayer requests the next business day after the request has been submitted. If you would like the request sent out within 24 hours, please text or call Pastor Erik Hohn at 717-395-0944.

Please be aware that the wording of your request may be edited to protect privacy.
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Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Phone Number *
Who needs prayer? *
What is their relationship to you? *
Please explain the prayer need *
How would you like this request to be shared? *
If this request is not for you, do you have permission from the individual to share this request? *
If this request is for a minor (under 18), please select the appropriate responses. *
If this request is for a minor (under 18) please list all legal guardians for the minor along with their phone number.
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