The Writing Network Cross-Promo Crew

This form is intended to create a network of consistent conversation where we can boost each other, encourage success, and empower one another while creating opportunities for everyone engaged or involved.

Podcasters: Find passionate authors, experts, and avid readers and storytellers to bring fresh perspectives to your show.

Authors: Connect with book reviewers and niche creators to amplify your voice and reach new readers

Readers and Book Reviewers: Share your thoughts and potentially become a guest on a favorite literary podcasts. Find your new books for review in our network and mitigate the flood that comes through open website traffic.

Creators: Access a wealth of content to fuel your creative process and save valuable time.

Expand Your Reach: Tap into a network of creators to share your content with new audiences.

Save Time: Focus on what you do best - creating. Let our network handle the distribution. You get content to share that you didn’t have to create. Saves you time and keeps your audience happy.

Improve Rankings: Boost your search engine visibility through strategic content sharing with a community of people who bring visibility authority to your brand.

Cost-Effective: Our core service is free, operating on a one-for-one content exchange model. This boosts effective reach and improves strategic results without breaking the budget.

Quality Control: Choose the content you share, ensuring it aligns with your brand and audience. Each piece submitted is shared with the network and you pick what works best for you.

Flexible Sharing: Utilize various platforms that suit your needs, from websites to social media. This will save you time, and energy, and still get you results.

Targeted Networking: Engage with a community specifically focused on authors, experts and readers.

Time-Saving: Streamline your search for collaborators, guests, and content all in one place.

How It Works

  1. Submit your article or content piece to our network.

  2. Choose an article from another creator to share on your platform.

  3. Watch as your content reaches new audiences across the network.

Every piece of content can include one link. The link will enable your site and content to become more visible. Keep the following information related to building backlinks in mind. 

  • Create exceptional content: This is the foundation for attracting natural backlinks.

  • Build relationships: Network with other websites in your industry to foster opportunities for collaboration. (this is what we are doing here)

  • Monitor your backlink profile: Use tools to identify and disavow any harmful links. (If you need this information please let me know, I'll point you in a few good directions)

  • Diversify link sources: Aim for backlinks from various websites to avoid looking unnatural.  

  • Focus on relevance: Ensure backlinks come from websites related to your niche.

Every piece of content needs to be PG13 rated based on USA MPA rating standards.

Initially we will only be accepting written content and appointments for podcast appearances. As we grow and have more Video Creators in the mix, we'll expand our options from there.  Video creators can use a piece of content as reference for the creation of a video.

To participate you must be willing to share up to 5 pieces of other people's content each month. You may share up to 5 pieces of your own content each month. If you're not sure what to create, visit network sites and see what others have done. 

Let's empower one another and grow quickly together.

Select a post from the link and share it where ever you plan to release the content you will share from the community. This will enable us to identify the live, active blogs, websites, and creators. It also allows us to share the content broadly.

Return here and put the link in the answer.  Source for First Content
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Please select the description(s) that best fits you. 
Please select the platforms you use and could use content for. 
Include your URLs or handles below
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