2024 Crane Count Registration
Hi thanks for wanting to help count Cranes this year, fill out the below - it's not a test so be honest! We'll get back to you with more information on the cranes, the survey methodology and a risk assessment by end of August.

Closing date for registrations 25th August 2024 23:59

Look forward to seeing you on the day!

(Header image: Cam DeJong)
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Email *
First name
Surname *
If you will be taking part with a friend or partner, could you please each complete the registration but fill out their name below so that we can make sure we keep you on the same team.
Mobile number  (for use on the day and emergencies) *
Address (Nearest town) *
Have you got your own transport? 
(This is essential unfortunately as the survey takes place all across the Tablelands and we cannot organise transport for volunteers)
Have you participated in the Crane Count before? *
Do you feel confident distinguishing between Sarus Cranes & Brolgas?
Do you own binoculars? 
(While they are essential for accurate identification, you can still join a team and scribe and enjoy the site of cranes coming into roost)
Do you own a scope and able to bring it on the day?
Would you be interested in the early afternoon driven transects? (spaces limited) *
Would you like to help us complete the annual crane count? 
(Late afternoon till dusk, locations various and to be advised)
Would you like to attend the dinner after at the Malanda pub? 
(No speakers this year but a good chance to catch up and hear a quick tally of the count - numbers needed to inform pub)
Are you interested in counting cranes in the Innot Hot Springs area on Sunday the 8th of September? places for this area are limited but please let us know if you are interested. *
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