pika contact preferences
You can use this form to state a preference for how pika should contact you (physical mail, email, or not at all), as well as update your contact info as needed. If you have any questions, email jack.b.reid+reunion@gmail.com. 
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First name *
Last name *
Any previous first names that pika might have you listed under
Any previous last names that pika might have you listed under
Class year (or, if not an MIT student, the last year you were at pika) *
Were you at pika during the school year or the summer? *
How do you want to be contact in the future? *
Updating contact info
The following questions are to update your contact information. Feel free to fill out as many or as few of these as you would like.
Preferred email address (please do not put down your @mit.edu address unless you have reason to believe that you will be able to keep it indefinitely)
Current street and street number
Current city
Current state / province
Current country
Current zipcode / postal number
Current phone number
Link to your social media profile
Comments / special notes / requests
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