Cantores Community Choir's Kelly Snyder Memorial Vocal Scholarship Application 2025

The Kelly Snyder Memorial Scholarship can be used by winners to pursue musical and academic pursuits. The only requirement is a successful application, vocal audition and interview. Interviews will be conducted in the Spring of 2025. Winners will be awarded their scholarship at our May 2025 concert, and scholarship winners are invited to be guest soloists at our spring concert (early May 2025). 

Applications are due to Cantores Community Choir by February 28, 2025 by completing this Google Form (or a physical form, which can be found here:

Finalists will be contacted in early March and asked to audition in front of the Scholarship Committee at a mutually agreed upon date in March or April 2025.  Winners will be notified in April.  Each winner will be awarded $500 to further their music education.

Kelly Snyder was a longtime District 58 and 99 educator and former Cantores Community Choir member. Teaching & music were very important parts of her life. This scholarship is our way of honoring her memory and her dedication to the arts.

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Email *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Home Address *
Cell Phone Number *
High School You Attend *
Current Grade in School (open to current Juniors and Seniors in High School only) *
Voice Part *
Parent or Guardian's Full Name *
Parent or Guardian's Cell Phone Number *
Describe your singing and musical experience: *
How would you use the scholarship money to further your music education? *
Describe the importance of singing and music in your life: *
What are your goals after high school? *
How do you hope your singing can impact other people? *
Final Information PLEASE READ
Thank you for applying to for the Kelly Snyder Memorial Vocal Scholarship. Applications should be submitted no later than February 28, 2025. 

Please email Scholarship Chairperson, Kate Loeffler, if you have questions or concerns. Text/call (630) 204-0367 or email

THANK YOU and GOOD LUCK! We will be in touch soon!
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