Young Saturday 'Visiter' Awards Entry Form
***NOTE: this Young SVA is a category separate and apart from the Saturday 'Visiter' Awards open to adults. Please visit to be taken to the main page. Unless you are a High School Student in Maryland, do NOT use this form to submit an entry.***

The Young Saturday ‘Visiter’ Awards (SVAs) are a new honor, presented by Poe Baltimore and the Baltimore National Heritage Area, recognizing High School students in Maryland who create artistic works inspired by Edgar Allan Poe.  The prizes honor media, art, performance and writing that adapts or is inspired by Poe’s life and works, created by a High School student (grade 9 - 12 or equivalent during the 2024-25 School Year) in the State of Maryland. This year's awards are also co-sponsored by the Maryland Center for the Book, a program of Maryland Humanities.

Works in any medium and genre (including digital or web-based works) are eligible. Entries are not limited to writing; graphical works, film, comics, music, live performance etc. may all be eligible. Only works created or performed by an individual who is a Maryland High School Student (grades 9-12 or equivalent during the 2024-25 School Year) are eligible to be entered. Works published or created in a language other than English are eligible, but at this time the work must provide English-language subtitles.

Entries may be submitted by any student artist, producer, publisher, author or any member of the creative team. Only works created by the student are eligible: ensemble teams may not include non-student members except in an advisory role; if the student contributed to a greater ensemble work, only the portion created/performed by the student will be considered. (Should you have questions about eligibility before submitting, please contact the Awards administrator

A note about AI generated work: The use of artificial intelligence (a.k.a. AI) programs is not prohibited, however self-identifying when such a program may or may not have been used is important for transparency and fairness. We require artists/creators to self-identify when their work is generated in whole or part using an AI program. There is no penalty for use of such programs, however artists are required to share these process
details as part of their description. Penalty for non-disclosure is disqualification. 

Call for entries will close at 9:00 PM EST on Thursday, October 31, 2024. The contest is FREE, but you are required to provide parent/guardian contact information. Nominees for the Young Saturday 'Visiter' Awards will be announced in December, and the award presented on Edgar Allan Poe's birthday, January 19, 2025, at Westminster Hall & Burying Ground in Baltimore. One award will be presented in each of two categories: Adaptation of Poe's life and/or writing; Original works inspired by Poe's life or writing. 

Judges will nominate three entries in each category. Nominees receive a certificate to adorn their work for all time and invitation to the awards ceremony. One winner in each category will be revealed on Poe’s birthday in January, and will receive a prize medal, certificate, and cash prize.

For a complete description of eligibility and requirements, please see the "Young SVA Guidelines for Entry" at We advise you to prepare your entry form in a separate document and paste responses into fields as you will NOT be able to save your progress.
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For which category are you submitting? Please see the "Young SVA Guidelines for Entry" for description of these categories. *
Title of the work *
Please list author(s) or creator(s) names. Pseudonyms or anonymous works are permitted, but the rights-holder must be identified below. *
I understand that only High School Students in the State of Maryland (grades 9-12 or homeschool equivalent during the 2024-25 school year) are eligible to enter a work for consideration. Only works created by the student are eligible: ensemble teams may not include non-student members except in an advisory role; if the student contributed to a greater ensemble work, only the portion contributed by the student will be considered. (Should you have questions about eligibility before submitting, please contact the Awards administrator *
Provide URL to the complete work. This is how judges will access the piece to review and evaluate it for consideration.  
Do not provide social media or promotional links but rather a link to the work itself. Entrants of written works or images are strongly advised to send links to PDF files or formats easily accessible to the judges. Do not send URL that requires password to enter as this may impede the judges’ access. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST MAKE YOUR FILE ACCESSIBLE WITHOUT REQUIRING LOGIN OR PERMISSION TO ACCESS. CHECK YOUR URL BEFORE SUBMITTING.

This link is for judges only and will not be shared with the public for any reason. At this time, works may only be submitted electronically for consideration. Should you feel your piece is best represented in physical format, please indicate so in your description of the work. In such cases, URL is still required. 
Description or synopsis of the work, including medium and/or genre. Please also note size, dimensions, duration or any site-specific or process details that might not be readily apparent to the judges upon viewing your link.  (Note that your entry should be an artistic work rather than critical analysis or academic treatise.) *
Is your entry a long-form work such as film, novel, script or series (over 10,000 words, over 20 minutes duration or multiple pieces/episodes?) *
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