Mandela Produce Distribution - New Wholesale Customer Intake Form
Thank you for your interesting in buying wholesale produce with Mandela Produce Distribution! MPD is a program of Mandela Partners, and a community food hub based in West Oakland that increases access to local, sustainably-grown fresh produce, while supporting the economic success of small-scale BIPOC farmers. This form will provide us with a brief introduction/background on you and your business. We will follow up with you to discuss your produce needs as soon as possible!
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What is the name of your business? *
What is your name and role in your business? *
How long have you been in business? *
Phone Number:
Email: *
What is your preferred method of being contacted? *
Business Address:
Business Website URL (if applicable)
Social Media Handles:
What kind of business do you operate?
(Check all that apply)
Please check any of the following that apply to you and your business: 
Is there anything else you would like to share about you or your business?
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