Student Concern Form

Students who have specific suggestions, concerns, ideas, or complaints regarding their experience as a student at OCC are encouraged to use this form to make those known to the appropriate persons or department. Each completed “Student Concern Form” will be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Affairs to determine how the concern should be addressed.

Concerns will be forwarded to the appropriate individuals or departments for their consideration and response. For instance, concerns relating to academic matters will be forwarded to the Executive Vice President of Academic or Associate Dean.

The student will receive a written or personal response from the Vice President of Student Affairs within two weeks of the date the form is submitted. This will give either an answer to the concern or the measures being taken to address the concern.

Please fill out the form below completely using the following instructions.

1. Mark your specific area of concern.
2. Provide a detailed explanation of your concern in the space provided below. One issue per form, please.
3. Be sure to include your name on the form. Anonymous forms will not be processed.

Any questions related to the completion or use of the “Student Concern Form” should be directed to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
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Area of Concern: *
Please describe and explain your concern in the space below. *
Student Name: *
ID # *
OCC Mailbox #
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
Ozark Christian College, its faculty, staff, and administration cannot guarantee that every issue raised will be rectified to the satisfaction of each individual student or group of students. However, OCC does seek to address the pertinent issues that affect the quality of our students' academic and co-curricular experiences.
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