eePRO Member Survey

Hi! We’re gearing up for a season of reflection, growth, and community, and your voice is crucial in shaping the future of our environmental education hub, eePRO. Your insights and participation in this survey will help us better meet your professional development interests.

Thank you for being an integral part of eePRO!

Welcome! The first set of questions is intended to welcome you in and hopefully let us get to know you a bit better.
Please note responses are anonymous.
eePRO is the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) professional development platform. NAAEE is based in Washington D.C. Where are you joining us from?
eePRO was first started in 2016. For how many years have you had an eePRO account?
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How would you describe your connection to environmental education (EE)? (choose the best answer)
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