Agastya is a Yogi Re (  initiative to reach yoga to underprivileged sections of the society in a sustainable way. Please fill this form if you wish to be a part of this in anyways. You can choose to be a sponsor, volunteer, or organizer.

The sponsorship amount is INR 600 or 9 USD per person per year. As part of this, we will be having 4 yoga sessions per year for the beneficiaries (quarterly once) and following up with them to ensure that yoga becomes a part of their daily schedule.

The sponsors would be able to receive updates about how their contribution is making a difference by joining the Yogi Re Agastya Whatsapp broadcast group.
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Email *
Full Name *
Where do you stay (Area, City, Country)? (eg- Koramangala, Bangalore, India) *
Mobile No (Whatsapp with country code) *
How would you like to be a part of this initiative? (You can even select multiple options if you wish) *
If you have listed yourself as a Sponsor, how many people could you cover in a year? (The sponsorship is 600 INR or 9 USD per person per year). You can also choose to donate any amount you wish. *
If you have listed yourself as a Sponsor, please choose among the below options. *
If you have listed yourself as a Volunteer, please mention how much time are you willing to contribute and if any conditions. Volunteers could be involved with following up with the schools etc to ensure that yoga is happening as part of their daily schedule, visiting the kids/beneficiaries once in a while for updates etc. We will be able to get in touch with you as and when the need arises.
If you have listed yourself as an Organiser, please mention contact name, phone and address or details of the institute or center you would like this initiative to get started in. Organisers could help to enroll more centers for this initiative - for ex orphanages, schools etc. Please mention if you would like online or offline classes for the same.
Any other comments/suggestions or queries? ( We are also reachable at +91 82174 81232)
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