Campaign Support Fund 2024
Campaign Support Fund Application for Green Party candidates.
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Email *
Candidate Name *
Office Sought *
ex. State Representative 143rd District, City Controller
District, Municipality and/or State *
ex. Colorado or City of San Francisco
Campaign Email Address *
Campaign Website *
Number of candidates/incumbents in the race and seats?
How many people are known to be seeking this office and how many seats are up for election?
Contribution limits that apply?
What are your qualifications for this office? Describe how you decided to run for the office you are seeking. Describe your major accomplishments as a Green, and how they relate to the office you are seeking. Please include any relevant history of activism.

Commitment to Green Party Values and Solutions

For each of the four pillars of the Green Party demonstrate how you are advancing solutions in line with the party values and platform. Please reference places on your campaign website or literature where you detail your commitment to:

Social Justice 
Grassroots Democracy 
Ecological wisdom 

The committee will evaluate what you provide, and may also look at your website, social media, and published work.

Based on that we may ask applicants questions about their commitment to Green Party values and solutions.

Our goal is to determine whether candidates are politically aligned with Green Party of the United States, and we will use any information available to us to help reach that determination.

Each application will be scored on each of the four pillars, based on the information you provide here and on any questions we may askUntitled Title
Please elaborate on your commitment to Social Justice
Please elaborate on your commitment to Grassroots Democracy
Please elaborate on your commitment to Ecological Wisdom
Please elaborate on your commitment to Non-Violence
Have you completed all legal paperwork necessary to begin campaigning and fundraising? *
Has your campaign qualified to be on the ballot? *
What are the goals of this campaign? How does the campaign plan to achieve them? What are the chances of you being elected?
What are the major issues in the race? On what issues is the campaign centered? What strategies will the campaign use to get your message out?
How many votes do you anticipate needing to win?
How is your campaign promoting your Green Party affiliation in its messaging and inspiring future Green Party candidates to follow in your example?
How much would your campaign like to be awarded and how would you spend it, if granted?
What is the fundraising goal of the campaign? How much progress has been made towards that goal (i.e. how much have you raised to date)?
If CCC awards a grant, is the campaign willing to send an eblast message to its supporters/donors within two weeks after the campaign's Election Day, introducing them to GPUS/CCC with a financial ask to support GPUS/CCC?  In return the GPUS/CCC will give the campaign an opportunity to insert messaging and a financial ask inside a CCC Fundraising eblast that is sent to GPUS supporters/donors during the campaign.
Has your campaign been endorsed by the local and/or State Green Party? *
Prior to receiving funding, we will need confirmation from the party of the endorsement if applicable.
Opportunity & Diversity
The Green Party is committed to helping those who have traditionally been excluded from electoral politics the chance to run for office.  Please indicate if any of the following apply to your candidacy.
Campaign Legal Name *
If you are awarded funds, tell us whom to make the check out to.
Campaign Address *
If you are awarded funds, where to mail a check.
Candidate Phone number
This information will not be made public.  This is for any communication we may require.
Additional Information
Please tell us anything else about yourself and/or your campaign you feel we need to know.  This is a good place to include links to media about your campaign or highlight key endorsements received.  This is also a good place to talk about how your campaign impacts ballot access for your state (if at all).
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