Share Your Internet Shutdown Story
Welcome to the Shutdown Stories project by Access Now. If you have ever been a victim of an internet shutdown, we want to hear from you. This includes disruptions of mobile internet, fixed-line internet, telephone services, or specific apps like WhatsApp, Twitter, or Facebook.

What you write here will guide Access Now's work fighting internet shutdowns through the #KeepItOn campaign ( We may publish it on our site or through a media outlet.

We respect your privacy and are happy to accept your story under an alias instead of your real name. You are also welcome to submit on behalf of someone else. Please use the address for questions and for email story submissions if you prefer not to use this form. (PGP:

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What's your name? *
This may be published. Use an alias if you prefer. If you are sharing someone else's story (for example, as a journalist), please include their name as well.
How did the shutdown affect you? *
The more detail you can tell us, the better. We are interested in any impact on your life, including emotional, political, financial or other effects.
Email address *
We won't share this, but we may email you to ask a question about your story.
Send us a photo (optional)
Your story will be most powerful if it is accompanied by a photo. You may use a photo of yourself (preferred), a photo of the device you use to connect to the internet, or a photo from your surroundings (for example, your business, home, or the view out your window). To submit, enter the URL (Web address) of the photo below, or email the photo to, sending from the same address you provided on this form.
Tell us more details? (optional)
We appreciate any information you can share to help us understand your story better. Skip any questions you already answered in your story.
In which country did you experience the shutdown?
In which city/town/village did you experience the shutdown?
On what day did the shutdown start?
Guess if you are not sure.
What is your gender?
What is your age?
What is your profession?
What device(s) do you usually use to access the internet? Include brand and model, for example "iPhone 7" or "Samsung Galaxy S6."
What service, site, or application did you miss MOST during the shutdown?
Is there anything else you can tell us about yourself?
What was the extent of the shutdown?
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If the internet was NOT entirely shut off, please tell us what was blocked.
Were mobile calling and texting also blocked?
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During the shutdown, did you use communication methods you don't normally use, or use circumvention technology such as a VPN or Tor?
If so, please tell us which methods or technologies you used.
Is the shutdown still ongoing?
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What was/is the duration of the shutdown?
Security and privacy
Your security is paramount and it is your responsibility. Please do not share anything that could put you at risk of reprisal from employers, government officials, or others. And if you're uncomfortable submitting a Google Form, you can email your answers to directly.

Access Now's privacy policy is here:

Information you share through this form also goes through Google. This is their privacy policy:
How we'll use your story
We appreciate your submission! We will read your story and share it within Access Now to inform our work against internet shutdowns.

We may translate your story or edit it story for clarity, length, style, grammar, or spelling, but we will not change the facts you present.

We unfortunately will not be able to publish every story we receive. If we publish it, we will let you know via the email address you provide. Stories will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution license, which is explained here:

Regardless of whether we publish your story, you are welcome to publish it yourself elsewhere.

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