Hello BCEA Member 

We hope this message finds you well. At BCEA, our mission is to continually enhance your experience and provide meaningful value. Your feedback is essential in helping us understand how we can better serve you. This survey is your chance to share your thoughts on the value you receive and your overall satisfaction as a valued member.

We appreciate your time and candid responses, and we're excited to hear what makes your experience with BCEA exceptional. Feel free to use the open-ended questions to share any ideas or suggestions you may have.

As a thank you for sharing your thoughts you will be entered into a draw to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Be sure to enter your email address below to be included in the draw. Good luck :)

If you have any questions regarding this survey please email Barbette Igonia, barbette@bcea.bc.ca

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Email *
Area Manager for Nedco
James Whitelaw *
2. How long have you been a member of BCEA?   *
3.  What is your membership category? *
4. Association Value 

On a scale of 1 to 5, how much value do you feel you receive from your membership with BCEA?1 (Low Value) - 5 (High Value)
5. Membership Benefits

What specific benefits or services do you find most valuable as a member of BCEA?
6. Events and Activities

How would you rate the events and activities organized by BCEA in terms of relevance and enjoyment?

7. Communication

How satisfied are you with the communication channels used by BCEA (emails, newsletters, website updates)?

8. Member Involvement

Do you feel your voice is heard and that you have opportunities to actively engage in BCEA activities?

9. Networking Opportunities

How satisfied are you with your networking opportunities provided by BCEA?
10. Overall Satisfaction

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you overall with your membership in BCEA?  
11. Ideas and Suggestions

Are there any specific ideas or suggestions you have to enhance your experience with BCEA?  
12. Additional Comments

Please feel free to share any additional comments, feedback, or ideas you have about BCEA.
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