Remote Employee Onboarding Course Survey
I'm thinking of building a live cohort-based course for managers and people ops teams at remote companies, to help them create better employee onboarding programs to support and train new team members.

I created an onboarding program for my previous company, Remotish, a HubSpot RevOps agency, and would love to share my learnings and successes as well as share the learnings from your successes, failures, and other experiences in creating and completing onboarding.

Fill out this survey to help me validate the concept and refine and improve the class!

It will tentatively launch in the fall for a select small group of beta testers, for a lower price than the following versions of the course. It will be a live version first while I iterate and improve it quickly, then it will become a recorded course, similar to and to complement my documentation courses. Having good process documentation is a key part of a successful onboarding program!

There are two sections of the survey: one section for your own experiences going through onboarding training (or a lack thereof), and one section for people who have created onboarding programs before. Fill out as much or as little as you like. 
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Going through onboarding yourself

Have you worked at companies that had NO onboarding process?
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Have you worked at companies with only “this is how to use the software” onboarding?
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When the companies you worked for had an onboarding program, how long did the training last on average?
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What is one thing you thought was useful about your best onboarding experience?

What was the worst part of your worst onboarding experience?

How did a bad onboarding or lack of onboarding hurt your chance of success in a role?

How did a good onboarding contribute to your success in a role?

Please add any additional feedback you think would be helpful to include in a class on building onboarding programs.

Creating an onboarding program

Have you created an onboarding program for a team or company before?
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What triggered you to create the onboarding program?

Where did you find the resources to know how to create the program?

How many people went through the program while you were at the company?

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What was the hardest part about creating the onboarding program?

What was the most successful part of the program?

How did you measure onboarding success?

Please add any additional feedback you think would be helpful to include in a class on building onboarding programs. What kind of information do you wish was available to you before you started building your program?

For SurveyCircle users ( The Survey Code is: RX5B-1JGN-6M1B-JVGL
Redeem Survey Code with one click:
PS: Users of the research platform will receive SurveyCircle points for their participation.
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