How safe, practical, and attractive is River Road for everyone today?
  • Safe: No loss of life or personal harm.
  • Practical: Convenient and affordable.
  • Attractive: Welcoming and enjoyable.
Independent: This poll is NOT being conducted by the City of Eugene, Lane Transit District, or any other government agency. It is being fielded by Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation (BEST), a local nonprofit organization building a successful community by bringing people together to promote transportation options, safe streets, and walkable neighborhoods.

Confidential: BEST will keep your identity confidential. We encourage. you to answer all questions truthfully. We ask for your email address only to notify you if you win a gift card. We will also use your email address to provide occasional updates, but you can opt out at any time.

Gift card: For a chance to win a $25 gift card to Fred Meyer or other retailer, complete the first section below (est. time 1–2 minutes). For a chance to win a $50 gift card, dig deeper and complete the second section (est. time 3–4 minutes).

This poll is part of BEST’s Better Streets for People and Businesses campaign to build support for streets that are safe, practical, and attractive for everyone; to identify which streets in Eugene and Springfield need to be better; and to develop broadly supported recommendations for moving forward.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name? *
What is your full name?
Your own travel choices? *
How frequently do you travel in each of the following ways, whether for school, work, shopping, or play?

(On a smart phone, scroll right to see all the possible responses.)
Often: several times a week
Sometimes: few times a month
Rarely: once or twice a year
Drive alone
Drive with others
Other bus
Scooter / skateboard
Mobility assistive device
Comments about your own travel choices?
What are your reasons for the choices you make?
Parts of River Road? *
River Road is divided by the Randy Papé Beltline Highway. Which parts do you experience regularly?
Safety of River Road?
How safe (no loss of life or personal harm) is River Road for everyone today?
Least Safe
Most Safe
Clear selection
Practicality of River Road?
How practical (convenient and affordable) is River Road for everyone today?
Least Practical
Most Practical
Clear selection
Attractiveness of River Road?
How attractive (welcoming and enjoyable) is River Road for everyone today?
Least Attractive
Most Attractive
Clear selection
Overall quality of River Road? *
How do you rate the overall quality of River Road for everyone today?
Dig deeper? *
Will you take a couple more minutes to tell us more about your experiences with River Road … and have a chance to win a $50 gift card?
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