報名2025年課程 準備登上舞台!Sign up for 2025 stage production!
Art Mentor International Ltd. 傲楹藝術投資有限公司
Latest news 最新消息: http://artmentor.com.hk/ 

Art Mentor organizes intensive musical theatre courses and public performances every year for children and teenagers to experience the beauty of musical theatre. A Broadway-style musical theatre intensive course is coming next Summer! Students will sing, dance and act with our teachers, Ms. Jacqueline Law, Mr. Gary Cheung, and Ms. Hilda Lam, with original songs, choreography, English script and lyrics. The intensive musical theatre course includes at least 90 hours of training on sing, dance and act; 3 days training in the theatre; and 2 days of performance. Our professional backstage designers will provide costumes and stage effects for students, helping them to give a perfect performance on the public stage.


Fill-in the Google Form and we will provide more details in February 2025:
填寫Google Form留下資料,我們將在2025年2月提供更多資料:
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Student name (CHI) 學生姓名(中) *
Student name (ENG) 學生姓名(英) *
Student nickname 學生暱稱 *
Gender 性別
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Date of birth 出生日期 *
Age 學生歲數 *
Nationality 國籍 *
School attended 就讀學校
Name of Parent or Guardian 家長或監護人姓名 *
家長聯絡電話(可WhatsApp) *
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