Crooms AoIT  Multi-Scholarship Application
CONGRATULATIONS on reaching this milestone!

As a demonstration of our support of your academic excellence, community involvement, and the pursuit of higher education, we are proud to offer graduating seniors of Crooms Academy of Information Technology (Crooms AoIT) the opportunity to apply for multiple scholarships using this single application in order to support your post-secondary education pursuits at an accredited technical school, college, or university.

The scholarships supported through this application are designed to recognize academic achievement, community involvement, leadership, academic improvement, and knowledge.  In addition to recognizing students who continually strive for excellence in other Crooms organizations, these scholarships may also consider economic needs with other factors to determine and award.

By using this multi-scholarship application, you are able to apply for the following scholarships:

1.  Crooms AoIT Alumni Community Scholarship $1,200.00 **
2.  Crooms AoIT Athletic Scholarship** $500.00
3.  Crooms AoIT PTSA Scholarship** $500.00
4.  Patel Wellness Scholarship   $2,500.00** (Economic hardship)
5. COHESITY Scholarship $500.00**
6.  National Center for Simulation  $1,000.00*
7. Joseph N and Wealth R Crooms Founders Scholarship $2,500 (Well round student)
8. Steven Schatzberg TrueChoice Technology Scholarship $1000 ( Economic Hardship and Academic Performance)
9. Paul Meehan Scholarship $5,000.00     (Service)

If you did not  participate in the Senior Portfolio Project, you may NOT apply for the following scholarships.

10.  Crooms AoIT Business Advisory Council Scholarship** $500.00
11.  Dr. Vogel Scholarship $500.00** (Leadership)
12.  Edward Blacksheare Scholarship** $500.00 (Perseverance)
13. NAF Scholarship $500.00** (Student completed and earned an internship credit)

**Subject to funding availability

All fields must be completed before you submit your application.  You will not be able to go back into it to complete later.

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