JOY Interest Form
Welcome to JOY, Justice Oriented Youth Ministry! We are so glad you're interested! Please fill out the form below to join our contact list and let us know more about you!
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Email *
Name: *
Are you a parent/family member, or a student? *
If you selected "Parent/Family Member," how many students are you interested in attending JOY? (If you are a student, please put "N/A") *
What is student's grade in school? (For multiple students, check all that apply) *
Which Parish are you affiliated with? *
If you attend church, what day/time do you go? (Example answer: "8 AM on Sunday". If you do not attend any sort of church services, please put "N/A") *
Does student attend a Catholic school? (Yes or No. If yes, please say which school): *
How did you hear about JOY? (Check all that apply) *
Has student attended a youth ministry or group before? *
What times on Sundays work best for student participation? (Check all that apply) *
What times on Saturdays work best for student participation? (Check all that apply) *
What weekdays is student most available? (Check all that apply) *
Which of these would student be interested in? (Check all that apply) *Note: Checking the box is not signing up! This is simply to gauge interest in a number of potential activities
If you are a parent/family member, what sorts of involvement would you be interested in? (Check all that apply) *Note: Checking the box does not sign you up! This simply lets us know who we might call on if we are in need of help
What is your familiarity with Catholic Social Teaching? *
Never heard of it: What is that?
I could teach someone else what it is
What sorts of service has student or family been involved with before? (This can be anything from working at a soup kitchen or donating old clothes, to caring for a relative or being in a leadership position at school. It is absolutely a-okay to say "None!"). *Please do NOT list athletic or academic achievements! *
What do you hope for out of a youth ministry?
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