STEEMIT Workshop (Fund Raising for AWIF Project)
Steemit Bootcamp - Jumpstart Your Blogging Income
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All profits from this bootcamp will be donated to Angel Warrior Initiative Foundation (

Vision :
To be a Massive Well of Resources and be the global bridge for all charity, especially in the area of Education for the needy

Mission :
To ignite collaboration among all charity acts
1) Raise USD10000 to build a building in a village in Northern Thailand, to be used as a school

2) Raise USD5000 to Support Orphanage in Parkistan :
Angels Warrior Donating 71 Winter Clothing to the Orphans
Angels Warrior Donating & The Pastor
Seriously, if the title doesn’t entice you, I don’t know why you’re still reading this. ;)

You’re probably asking, what are cryptocurrencies? You’ve probably heard of the crazy meteoric rise of Bitcoin and Ethereum. What was worth a few cents a few years ago could go as high as USD16,000. Yup, such is the nature of cryptocurrencies.

STEEM is one of those coins, and it’s pretty new, and already trading between USD2 to USD8 per coin.

See :

And to earn STEEM is by using something you already have in your head - your ideas, thoughts, concepts, experiences, stories, insights.
What is Steemit???
Yup, essentially if you have something to say, you can earn STEEM coins. As a matter of fact, if you had been active on any social media platforms at all - Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and more - you can earn STEEM coins!

Plus, you don’t only earn coins when you create contents, but when you curate contents too. Yes, as mindblown as it sounds, “liking” a post actually earns you money! #mindblown

In summary, all you need to know about Steemit is:
When other people like the contents you posted on Steemit, you make money.
When you like other people’s contents on Steemit, you make money.

And for the How Do I Make Money Faster & Easier? There’s where the STEEMIT BOOTCAMP comes in.
- Discover the ins and outs of Steemit, and how you can leverage on it as an income generator
- Learn tools to help you generate TONS of content ideas so you’ll never run out of things to write on (remember, the more contents you create on Steemit, the more you can potentially earn)
- Beat the crap out of Writer’s Block, and be able to write anytime, anywhere
- Explore ways to withdraw your STEEM Coins into your MYR bank account, and how to trade with other digital coins
- Build your fan based and followers, and become an influencer!
And more!

PLUS: Because we’re so sure about Steemit, by your 5th good post, you will be able to earn back the fees for this bootcamp!

*Good posts are those that you are proud to show your loved ones. It’s just to guarantee a certain level of standard. We can’t guarantee for crappy posts (one pic of what you’re eating for lunch or your new ceiling will get you nothing).
Your Workshop Facilitator
Register for a free Steemit account (, because it will take 3 to 10 days for your account to be approved. Heck, some had to wait for a week or more!!

A dummies guide to Steemit
Writing Softwares to Make Your Steemit Life Easy
Free-Flow Writing - Overcoming that BS thing called Writer’s Block
Activity: Writing your first post - #introduceyourself
Images, Videos & Multimedia
Activity: Posting Your First Post - #introduceyourself
The Interest Identifier
Idea generation tips (based on your areas of interest)
LUNCH (Yes, we will, we will, feed you!)

Writing your second post (on your interest)
The 25-25-25 Method of Actual Writing
Handy Tools to Improve Your Writing
Becoming the Advanced Steemian
Building your Followers
Handy resources
Withdrawal Processes
Ways to get involved in the Steemit Malaysia Community

See ya!
Q: So, what is this bootcamp all about?
A: The Steemit Bootcamp is a 8 hour program to get you started on earning on We will guide you through the setting up of the account, help you with your first few posts, give you tips on how to engage with the Steemit community, and most importantly, how to make money from the contents you will be creating on it.

Q: You mean I can make money when I post on Steemit?
A: Hmph, don’t you want to know what Steemit is first?

Q: Ok, what is Steemit?
A: Great question! In one line, Steemit is a social blogging platform built on blockchain technology, which rewards content creators and curators with Steem. One Steem is currently trading around USD2 (at the time of writing). When you post contents (articles, videos, podcasts or photos), you will earn Steem. When you comment and upvote other people’s contents, you will earn Steem. The crazy part? Even those who upvoted your content earn Steem too!

Check out this video for a quick 2 minute explanation. (Yeah, should have started with that.)

Q: Wow, really? And can I withdraw Steem money into my bank account?
A: Yes you can. We will walk you through the process during the bootcamp.

Q: Where the money comes from?
A: We will explain it further during the bootcamp.

Q: Wait…wait…wait… Is this some kind of MLM or Ponzi scheme?
A: Definitely not. Firstly, we are not even paid to introduce Steemit to you. There is no selling involved, no levels, no commissions, no downlines to manage, no “maintenance fees”.

Secondly, it’s not a Ponzi scheme because you do not need money to start earning on Steemit. As a matter of fact, the fee that you’re paying for the bootcamp, after the F&B cost, will be donated to a CHARITY. On that note, thanks in advance for you support. :)

Q: So Steemit is legit?
A: Yes it is.

Q: No subscription or hidden fees, right?
A: Nope, we are not like those sneaky banks with their credit cards.

Q: Ok, I’m keen. What do I need to do before the bootcamp? What do I need to bring?

Must Do Before The Bootcamp:

You must open a Steemit Account. It’s not like normal account that can be approved automatically. It may take between 6 to 10 days, so unless you just want to see the other participants making money, you better not procrastinate on this one.

Open your account here : (as you can see, there is no referral links and codes)

DO NOT LOSE YOUR PASSWORD! Unlike other services, YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD. Write it down in a favourite book, save it in a secured online folder, or put it in your safe deposit box. Serious, if you lose your password, you will have to start all over again, and you will not be able to withdraw your money. At all.

To Bring for The Bootcamp:

Laptop (iPad, Tablet, Phone won't be able to do sometimes you need to get done)
Stationeries for note taking
An open mind will help
A willingness to try new things will be an added advantage

Q: Will you be providing food?
A: Yes. Simple tea breaks are provided.

Q: I got more questions about the event.
A: You can email us @
Organizer of Steemit Bootcamp - Jumpstart Your Blogging Income

We are a community of bloggers and content creators around Malaysia helping individuals to get them started on STEEMIT. We regularly organise events to introduce new Steemians into the community and also help them to get their posts up! And start getting paid!
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