Academic Advisor Needs Request
Use this form to reach the Academic Advisors Office and to schedule an appointment. For Class Changes complete additional information for changes within the first two (2) weeks of each semester. Complete the attached change request form signed after the first two (2) weeks of the semester. 
Mrs. Orange will schedule you for an appointment upon filling out this form. 
Email *
First Name
Last Name
Needs - (check all that apply)
Class Change 1: Current Class
Class Change 1: Current Period
Clear selection
Class Change 1: Requested Class
Class Change 1: Requested Period
Clear selection
Class Change 2: Current Class
Class Change 2: Current Period
Clear selection
Class Change 2: Requested Class
Class Change 2: Requested Period
Clear selection
Does requested course match your education goals? (Answers influence change approval)
Clear form
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