SWDCA Breeder and Stud Dog Referral List Agreement
Members of the Spanish Water Dog Club of America (SWDCA) who are breeders and stud dog owners who wish to participate in the SWDCA's Breeder and Stud Dog Referral List must read, fill out the required information, sign and submit the following Agreement to the SWDCA.

Yearly dues to participate in the referral list are $50 per annum, with the year ending December 31 of each year.

Listings will include name, address, and current contact information, along with the designation of 'Stud Dog Only' if applicable.  It is the listee's responsibility to keep information updated by notifying the SWDCA Corresponding Secretary of any changes.
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1.  I will abide by the Spanish Water Dog Club of America Code of Ethics,
2.  I will submit all health testing results, including those tests that do not receive a passing score or results that are not normal, for currently recommended tests listed on the CHIC Website to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for publication on their website.
3.  I will deal honestly with inquirers and help educate prospective owners and fanciers about the Spanish Water Dog.
4.  I will provide prospective owners, prior to a transfer or sale, copies of all health test results on the sire and the dam of puppies or dogs I have for sale or placement.  If one or both of the parent dogs do not have certain of these ratings, the prospective owners will be so advised.  If either parent is know to be affected with a health problem, including but not limited to Hip Dysplasia, Hypothyroidism, Hair Loss, PRA or is a PRA carrier the prospective owners will be advised.
5.  I will deal honestly with the owner of a stud dog servicing my brood bitch or the owner of a brood bitch being serviced by my stud dog and will provide all health information as stated in Item 4 of this Code.
6.  I will provide a written contract or agreement for the sale or placement of each puppy/dog and will include copies of all pertinent health information with said contract or agreement.  This is for my own protection as well as the puppy/dog involved and the new owners.
7.  I will do my best to adequately query prospective owners prior to the sale or placement of a puppy/dog.  I will do so to insure that every puppy/dog will have a life with dignity, freedom from fear and pain, proper care, socialization, training and grooming and a devoted owner.
8.  I will be certain my brood bitch receives proper care, especially during pregnancy and whelping, and that my stud dog's good health is maintained at all times.
9.  I will ensure all puppies receive proper veterinary care from whelping until placement with a permanent owner.
10.  I will provide my puppies with as much human contact as possible to ensure proper socialization to people.
11.  I will be available to provide advice, guidance and information to the owners of my puppy/dog throughout the lifetime of the animal.
12.  I will accept the return of any puppy/dog I have bred and sold or placed, or if not feasible, I will assist both logistically and /or financially in the re homing of the puppy/dog.  If the puppy dog comes into a rescue and relocation program, I will reclaim the puppy dog or accept full financial responsibility for its care.
13.  I will remain current on all health issues involving the breed.
14.  All of the litters which I  have bred or co-bred will be registered with the American Kennel Club.
15.   I will provide SWDCA membership information to anyone who obtains a puppy/dog from me.
 16.  I have read and am familiar with the AKC Breed Standard for the Spanish Water Dog and will do my best to breed dogs which fit that description.
17.  I understand I will be removed immediately from the Breeder and Stud Dog Referral List if suspended by the AKC or SWDCA for any reason.  Upon reinstatement by the AKC or SWDCA, I can reapply for inclusion on the next Breeder and Stud Dog Referral List.
18.  I understand that if the SWDCA receives a formal complaint about my actions as a participant on the Breeder and Stud Dog Referral List, a formal inquiry may result.  If I am found in Violation of any part of this agreement, I may be removed from the list for a specified period of time, in accordance with Article VI of the SWDCA's Bylaws.
19.  I agree that under no circumstances will I purposely sell a puppy/dog to a pet store or broker.
20.  I agree that under no circumstances will I purposely engage in, nor shall I sell a puppy/dog to any person or entity engaged in the following: the breeding of the Spanish Water Dog with any dog that is not a full pedigree Spanish Water Dog.  I shall not, in any way, purposely participate in the creation of mixed breeds for "new" breeds of dog derived from the Spanish Water Dog even for therapeutic or beneficent purposes.
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