Orchestral Festival, Sunday 26 March 2023, 10am - 4pm, Queen's College
Queen's College and Southern Sinfonia have combined to organise a fabulous day for young musicians up to the age of 18 who are playing at Grade 3 standard or above.

The day will comprise of fun sectional rehearsals led by specialist music teachers, leads from Southern Sinfonia and Simon Chalk, Artistic Director of the Southern Sinfonia. The day will end with a concert in the Queen's Hall for family and friends.

The Orchestral Day is completely free of charge and will include a brunch and refreshments.

Please complete this form  by Thursday 16 March if you would like to secure a place on the day. Further details will then be sent out nearer to the day.

Please note, that unless you notify us otherwise, your contact details will be held to inform you of future events that may be of interest to you at Queen's College.
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Email *
Name of musician who would like to attend the day *
Instrument(s) played *
Instrument to be played on the day *
Grade last achieved or standard currently being played at (for instrument being played on the day) *
School or college currently being attended *
Date of birth *
Parents contact name  *
Parents telephone number for contact *
Parents email address for contact *
Please use this section to share any specific needs (learning, medical or dietary) for the pupil attending. Please state 'none' if appropriate.
We would like to take photographs during the day, please tick the appropriate box below if you are happy for photographs to be taken and shared.
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