Charlie Parr Memorial Scholarship Application
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Email *
Please fill in your first and last name *
Where are you from?
Applicant age & current grade  *
Parent/guardian name *
Parent/guardian email *
Please select your annual household income *
How many children live in the household? *
How did you hear about the Charlie Parr Memorial Scholarship?
Tell us about yourself *
Being part of a successful fly fishing adventure is a lot like being part of a successful team: Every member needs to contribute positively to a common goal and simultaneously learn from the strengths of their teammates. What is something you hope to improve upon during your trip and how do you think you could contribute to the success of the trip? 
While fly fishing experience is not required for participation in LFFE programs, we do want to ensure that all scholarship recipients have a strong desire to be on a fly fishing intensive trip. Briefly, what is your experience with fly fishing (or fishing of any kind)? If you've not done any fishing before, what draws you to a fly fishing program?
Which LFFE trips are you most interested in? (List 3 below, #1 being your top pick)
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