Helluverse: Family Feud
Survey Questions: Answer each question with you ONE TOP opinion. Please keep answers to one - three words long if possible. Feel free to DM for any concerns or questions
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If Lucifer's ducks could talk, what complaint would they have about him? *
What will land you in Hell? *
Name something that  doctor might pull out of a succubus. *
Who DOESN'T own Alastor's soul? *
Name something that starts with the word "Hell". *
Whose hotel room would you never want to be in? *
Name something you might find in Alastor's bayou. *
Name the reason why Vox and Alastor "broke up". *
Name a reason why Vox would call you at 2 AM. *
Other than Hell's Greatest Dad, name a song from Hazbin Hotel. *
Name something with a hole. *
Name a character who deserves everything the fandom gives them. *
What would Lucifer do once he successfully superglues Alastor's mouth shut? *
Aside from alcohol, name something you'd find behind Husk's bar. *
Name the worst place in Hell to accidentally fall asleep in. *
Name the ACTUAL petty reason why Lucifer fell. *
Name something you wouldn't want Niffty to stab you with. *
Name something that Alastor and Lucifer are DEFINITELY doing when no one is watching. *
What is Lilith doing on that beach? *
There's a dead body in the lobby. Who's the best person to take care of it? *
How does Vox's brain fit in his flat head? *
What is the first thing Blitzo reaches for once he and Stolas are done with their "full moon time"? *
Name a reason why Alastor keeps that yee-yee ass bob cut. *
Name something people in Hell would say is too short. *
Who's got the best ass in Hell? *
What is Angel Dust addicted to? *
Who is Niffty stabbing next?  *
What drink does Husk make for Angel Dust?  *
Whose blood do you think Alastor loved the taste of most?  *
Who within the Hazbin Hotel would the Catlastor attack first?  *
Whose caring for the Egg Boys since Sir Pen was "killed?"  *
Most likely to attempt to sneak into Alastor's Radio Tower.  *
What did Dennis do wrong this time?  *
What is the current wait time in the Sloth Hospital lobby? *
Who would attempt to steal some of Bee’s honey?  *
What district in Hell did Moxie take Millie for their first date?  *
Which character is going to Heaven next?  *
What is the most purchased item in the Lust district? *
What genre of books does Stolas love to read? *
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