Company Application
Deadline for application: June 20
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Email *
Company name *
Company website *
Name and surname (contact person) *
Job title *
Email address *
Mobile phone number *
Short company description *
Sector *
When was your business established? *
What was the revenue of your business in the last year? *
Export turnover in the last 3 years *
Which country would you like to expand to? *
Countries up to 3: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Sweden, JAV, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway, Taiwan, Denmark, Finland, Singapore, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, Belgium, Ireland, JAE, Ukraine, Spain, Canada, Estonia, Poland.
In a few words, please, describe where do you see your business in 5-10 years? *
3 questions you would be willing to ask your GLL Business Advisor? *
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