Intresseanmälan FARAD 2025 
English further down 


Vad roligt att ni är intresserade av att delta i FARAD 2025!

I detta formulär får ni fylla i kontaktuppgifter och skriva vilka paket och tillägg ni skulle vilja ha. Det är främst till för att vi i Projektgruppen FARAD ska få en god översikt - ingenting är bindande. När ni har skickat in formuläret kommer ni tilldelas en personlig kontakt som ni kan utbyta mail med för vidare överenskommelser. Frågorna är på engelska, men svaren kan vara på antingen svenska eller engelska.

Vi ses på mässan! 



We are delighted that you are considering attending FARAD 2025!

Here you are able to fill in your contact information and which packages and additions that suit you. This form simply works as a way for us in the FARAD project group to get a good overview of your preferences, and it is therefore not binding. Once you've sent in this form, you will receive a personal contact with whom you can exchange emails about further details.

See you at the fair! 
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Which company/organization do you represent?
What is your name?
What is your email address?
Which parts of FARAD are you interested in attending/which package or add-ons would you like for FARAD?
Is there anything you would like to add or inform us about right away?
Do you wish to be contacted in Swedish or English?
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GDPR: The F Guild within TLTH will process your information provided in this form. The information is processed according to our rules for handling personal information. Your information provided in this form will only be saved until FARAD has taken place, i.e. until the end of February 2025. I hereby accept that the F Guild within TLTH will process my information given in this form in connection with FARAD.
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This form was created inside of F-sektionen inom TLTH.

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