Thank you for reaching out to United We Dream for help with your DACA Renewal. We are in the process of aggressively raising money for the DACA Renewal Fund so we can provide support to the more than 300 individuals on our waiting list.
At this time we are no longer accepting new applications for financial support. Please check out these other resources that are available for DACA recipients:
UWD has provided resources to a number of local partners across the country. Find that list and reach out to them for support: you’re a DACA beneficiary of Mexican origin, remember that your consulate offers you assistance. We invite Mexican DACA recipients to approach their consulate for an immigration screening and individualized legal assistance. Call 855-463-6395 or find a list of local Mexican Consulates: you need legal support, please search for pro bono assistance using the Immigration Advocates Network Legal Services Directory: Latino is connecting DACA Recipients with its pro bono legal counsel, King & Spalding LLP, and those attorneys will evaluate your DACA status and determine if you qualify to have your $495 DACA renewal filing fee covered as part of its UndocuNeighbor initiative. Fill out an application launched an effort to help DACA Recipients crowd fund to raise money for their renewal fees. Details: We are in this fight together,
United We Dream