MCR Booking Form
You are more than welcome to use the MCR and its utilities to host your personalised events. The form will keep your booking information for one term.

You can find the terms and conditions for the MCR usage on . By booking the MCR, you accept the terms and conditions.

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Please provide your full name. *
Please provide your email address ending with *
Is it a private event or a students' society event? *
Give a brief description of the event (e.g. private party, study group). *
Please indicate the date you want to host your event. *
Please give the time frame of your event. *
I am aware that I have to submit the MCR booking form at least 7 days before my event. *
I am aware that it is the responsibility of the booker to clean and tidy the MCR to a fit state afterwards, to re-arrange any furniture moved and to wash and tidy away all cutlery, glasses and plates and I confirm that I will do any such cleaning and tidying required. *
If you indicated above that you may have trouble with cleaning, tidying and re-arranging the MCR as required, please give us your reasons for this. *
I confirm that the guests I invite will not exceed the MCR's maximum capacity of 50 people. *
I will make sure that the MCR will be vacated for general use (i.e. cleaned, tidied and re-arranged) by 11pm on the day of the booking. *
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