Sword of the Penmaiden - Contest!
Thank you so much for submitting to my contest! I am pleased to have you and looking forward to judging your piece. :)
~10-12 pt. font, easy to read (no scripts or displays, please), normal margins
~500 word limit (yes, I know, that's hard, but I don't want to have to read twenty 3,000 entries XD)
   I want everyone to have the same amount of time to submit, so you must write a new story - no submissions
   of things you've already written, please. Submissions may or may not be based off of the prompts, your
   choice. 🙃
~Poetry is accepted! 500 word limit still. ;)
~No crude language, even if it's "mild". You may say a character "cursed", but don't use the actual words.
   Nothing explicitly sexual or steamy, and keep the violence at a minimum. No magic or demonic things,
   please. Any and all references to suicide, drugs, or alcohol should be cast in a negative light. All of your
   content should be appropriate for a 12 year old to read. If you fail to comply, you will be disqualified from the
~Entries must be submitted by May 1st. I will announce the winners sometime during May.
~HAVE. FUN. This is a must. If you find yourself stressing out over it, no worries. There is no pressure
   whatsoever to enter. ;)