Pledge Form 2022
Thank you for being so generous to the TRUU community which helps so many people. We are serving a mission of personal and societal transformation.

If you pledge for the first time, or increase your pledge this year, it is hoped this will help cover people who have been economically impacted by the pandemic and can’t pledge this year or need to reduce their pledge. Please give what you feel you can and thank you for your support!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Please let us know if you are interested in any of the following:
Do you have any ideas, concerns or stories you would like to share?
Pledges can be paid in a variety of ways: by bank (or credit card, although they take a percentage) automatic payment, by check (mailed to TRUU, 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale, CO 81623 or put in the collection basket once we’re meeting in person again).  Many people choose to break their pledge into monthly payments, but that is optional.  We would appreciate knowing the expected method and frequency of your pledge payments for our planning purposes.
We hope you can maintain, or even increase, your pledge this year. Annual Amount I/We Would Like To Pledge the following amount *
The My/our pledge will be paid via the following method (check, credit card, automatic payment, etc). *
My/our pledge will be paid: *
All pledges are confidential. Pledges may be paid by cash or check. Transfers of stocks (a tax savings) are always welcome.
- Make checks payable to Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist
- Checks intended towards the "Minister Grant" should be marked "Minister Grant"
- To to TRUU, 520 S 3rd Street, #23, Carbondale CO 81623 or
By typing my/our names below, I/We electronically submit my pledge form. *
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