ASC Language Partner Request
Thank you for your interest in a language partner. We are happy to assist you. Please answer all the questions below. Upon completion of the form, we will contact you once you have been matched with a partner.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Email Address *
Gender *
Native Language *
Home Country *
Practice Language *
How often would you like to meet with your language partner? *
What is your level of study? *
Year in School (ex. Undergraduate, Graduate, Ph.D, etc.)
Do you prefer to work with a male or female? *
Do you have a preference for type of language partner? *
How did you hear about the language partner program? *
Why are you interested in finding a language partner? *
Tell us about yourself. *
Interests, hobbies, studies, availability (this will help us find a good match for you.)
What are you looking for in a language partner? *
Would you prefer to participate in a language conversation table?
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