Local Committee Voting Delegate 2024
WUSC 77th Annual General Assembly on Saturday, February 10, 2024.

Note, this form is due by 6:00 pm EST on Friday, January 26, 2024.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Nick at execoffice@wusc.ca

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Email *
First and last name *
Local Committee Name : *
Name of Local Committee Chair : *
Email address of Local Committee Chair: *
Name of your Local Committee's voting delegate at the WUSC 77th AGA on Saturday, February 10th: (enter your name again if applicable) *
Email address of voting delegate:   (enter your email again if applicable) *
Please copy-paste your meeting minutes which state that you are the voting delegate. Alternatively you can send to campus@wusc.ca. 
Copy/Paste your minutes here. Or email them to WUSC
Have you registered for the International Forum? *
Please add your registration number for the International Forum. *
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