MTS-MSSTA PD Day 2024: Call for Displayers

Environmental Changemakers: From Awareness to Action

MSSTA is excited to announce our call for displayers for our October 25, 2024, MSSTA MTS PD Day, held at Chief Peguis Middle School. We are looking for displayers in areas of the social sciences, be it geography, history, politics and economics and the like, to share their knowledge with teachers from across the province. In particular, we are seeking organizations who have information or resources surrounding the theme of Climate Education that is action-oriented and community driven.

More information about the conference theme and keynote will be added to our website as details they become available. Please visit: 

$75 for 1 table, Extra tables $50 each

Registration will be confirmed by email once payment has been received.

Payment options include:
Mailing a cheque to:
MSSTA Treasurer
Box 351
Garson MB
R0E 0R0

Sending an e-transfer to: with the security answer being DISPLAYERS and the name of your organization as the question. 
Question: Manitoba Social Science Teachers Association

Please note that new to our registration this year is a section detailing how your display connects to MSSTA's objectives and the Manitoba Social Studies Curriculum. As part of our aim to continuously improve our annual conference we want to ensure that displays and presenters at our conference match our objectives and role as a teacher organization in Manitoba. Your answer does not need to be long, a brief description will suffice. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

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Email *
Organization or Company Name *
Type of Organization/Company *
Name of Contact Person *
Contact Person Email *
Contact Person Phone Number *
How does your organization connect to our conference theme, MSSTA's values and objectives and Manitoba curriculum? *
How many tables do you need?  *
One Lunch is Included. Any Dietary Restrictions? *
Do you require additional lunches ($15 each)? If so, how many and are there any dietary restrictions?
We have moved to electronic inserts. Would you like MSSTA to host an e-insert on our webpage ($25 per e-insert)? *
Please indicate the total cost in dollars below (table(s), lunch(es), and inserts). *
Payment can be submitted by cheque or e-transfer. Which method would you like to use? *
Would you like us to share your website on our social media accounts (Free of charge)? If so, include a hyperlink to your website below.
Access to electrical outlets is limited. If possible, would you like an outlet? *
Liability Waiver: Manitoba Social Science Teachers’ Association and The Manitoba Teachers’ Society will NOT be responsible for any loss or damage caused by robbery, fire, accident, or any other means, or any other damage to materials or exhibits at any time prior to, during, or after MTS PD Day.  Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own insurance of equipment and displays. Manitoba Social Science Teachers’ Association and The Manitoba Teachers’ Society are not responsible for any monies disbursed or losses incurred by any exhibitor in preparing for and /or participating in MTS PD Day.  Any exhibits, material, displays are the sole responsibility of the exhibitors and are displayed at the sole discretion of the exhibitors.Manitoba Social Science Teachers’ Association and The Manitoba Teachers’ Society are not responsible for any loss of revenue, actual or anticipated, incurred as a result of participation in the Conference. *
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